♡ Patreon F.A.Q ♡
♡ What is Patreon?
Patreon is a membership based platform. A membership is a wonderful way to be a part of your favorite creator's community, and your monthly subscription helps them continue to produce great content!
The RootisTabootus Patreon acts as a way to pre-order and gain access to merchandise that is not offered to those outside of Patreon. Including but not limited to: Stickers, Apparel, Commissions.
With Patreon, you reserve a spot for the exclusive designs each month.
♡ When will I be charged?
Patreon begins processing payments on the 1st of every month. Unless you delete your pledge, monthly pledges will renew automatically every month.
♡ Can I join if I live outside of the United States?
Absolutely! Make sure you join the tier labeled 'International' when selecting your tier.
♡ How do I cancel my membership?
From the drop-down menu on Patreon. Click "Manage Memberships" from there you'll be taken to a page that shows all your active memberships.
Click 'Edit' next to the membership you wish to delete and click the 'Edit of Cancel Payment' button.
Please make sure to cancel any memberships BEFORE the 1st of the month. It is Patreons responsibility to manage their memberships. We cannot issue refunds or cancellations after payments have been charged.
♡ I'm not interested in Physical rewards, but I would still like to support you on Patreon.
Yes! The $3 digital supporter tier gives you access to patron-only post, the secret shop, monthly discount codes as well as access to the Discord server!
Monthly Rewards & Secret Shop F.A.Qs.
♡ When will I receive my physical rewards?
Physical rewards are shipped during the first week of the month. Depending on destination delivery times vary.
♡ What products are available for sale in the Secret Shop?
Left over designs from previous months stickers are listed in the Secret Shop on the 13th of each month.
Special Sales, Preorders and restocks are sometimes listed as well. Giving Patreons exclusive first chance before it goes live to the public.
♡ When and How will I receive my monthly secret shop password and discount code?
The password code along with monthly discount codes is posted on Patreon in the form of a post on the first of every month.
♡ How do I join the Discord server?
The discord community server is available exclusively to Patrons! Existing Patreons can join the server at anytime and going to the My Membership page on Patreon.com/RootisTabootus and clicking the 'Connect to Discord' button.
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